If you’re my age or older, you probably heard this line hundreds of times from your Mom: “There are thousands of starving children in faraway lands who would LOVE to have what you’re sticking your nose up at, so eat it!”
The return comment to her (before I could stop myself) was: “I didn’t realize there was such a worldwide demand for smelly, sloppy, overcooked cabbage”.
I didn’t even see Dad’s hand coming. Felt, it though. He bloodied my bottom lip. The upside was I didn’t have to eat it that day or ever again. Fair trade, if you ask me.
In the course of growing older, my tastes in food - in large part - changed. However today, as then, I hate Sauer Kraut and will not allow it in my house. Some bad memories stay with you no matter what.
At Thanksgiving, I might buy a couple of cans of Kraut, though, to leave at food drop-offs for needy families who live locally. Not just Kraut; there’s all kinds of canned veggies we donate and stuff, but I can’t help but wonder if there actually is a child out there who really likes and, more importantly, ASKS for Kraut to be put on his/her plate.
Me? I have always loved spinach. Yes, that smelly, sloppy, overcooked seaweed. Call me weird. You won’t be the first. Or probably the last.